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Year: 2022
Campaign Type: Digital & Traditional

CARE is a humanitarian agency that delivers emergency relief and gives communities across the globe the support they need; saving lives, fighting social injustice and global poverty.

The Brief

Develop a PR-worthy campaign that will generate sustained private donations from a Millennial and Gen X audience, for CARE Nederlands’ humanitarian efforts leading up to International Women's Day on March 8th, and beyond.

With men as the larger target audience, the question is; how do we bring awareness to the things women have to go through in comparison, in order to incite change?

The Big Idea(s):

We’re all familiar with the phrase just one more. When it comes to alcohol, that one more can be the difference between someone waking up with a black eye, or just a hangover.

The hard truth is that alcohol and violence can and often do go hand-in-hand – but they don’t have to.

Introducing: Just One More.

Just One More is a call to action. We’re reminding consumers of the threat of alcohol induced violence towards women, by placing a stark warning label on beer bottles. These warning labels will feature relevant statistics depicting the reality of the world in which we live.

In addition, a *13% cut of any product sold during the month of March, would go directly to CAREs’ efforts.

*13% is equivalent to the percentage of the gender pay gap in the Netherlands.

How does this translate to different channels?

Social & Television Ads

Short-form video content explaining the reasons behind the campaign and why it’s needed – featuring statistics and common excuses people use to blame alcohol for their behaviour.
Inside Bars & Pubs

The majority of older men drinking outside of their homes are found in these spaces, so we’ll place posters spreading awareness of CARE and the campaign here, so they can’t be ignored.
Pilsjes en Praatjes

A safe space for men to talk about their own experiences with violence or alcohol abuse, to learn how alcohol and violence can influence one another and how to combat the issue via a series of workshops.

The Big Idea(s):

The pay gap between men and women is still as relevant as ever. In the Netherlands, it amounts to a whopping 13% pay loss for those identifying as women, but a percentage is hard for people to visualise.

We’re going to put the gap it into context, in everyday spaces by asking people to pay the gap forward.

Introducing: #paythegap

We want to spark a movement where we invite popular grocers and brands from across the Netherlands to help us to highlight the gap.

But how do people pay it forward? Easily! A message would appear at digital and physical payment points, enticing buyers to donate *13% of their total to CAREs’ International Women’s Day campaign.

*If they can’t afford 13%, they can choose a donation amount.

joined to #paythegap

How does this translate to different channels?

Social, online ads & stickers

For the first phase, we’ll run social ads and challenge other brands to support us, as well as creating fun, shareable stickers to show you’ve paid the gap.
Channels of brands

We’ll ask the collaborating brands to share the campaign on their own socials, and create a suite of content for them that’s ready to share.
#paythegap ambassador

We’ll appoint an ambassador to support us in getting the word out, as they attend and lead relevant talks and lend the campaign a recognisable face.

CD: Richard van Horssen
Creative:  Aiyana Zammit
Mock-Up Designer: Mariia Romanchenko
Project Manager: Sabine Hermans

*This campaign has not yet been executed due to the client’s internal issues.

© all concepts listed are mine, unless stated otherwise ©

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